Sunday, January 28, 2007

Settling into a routine

I'm totally narcotic free. Not like I was a junkie, but I am not needing it for pain control. In fact, I have had some time where there was absolutely no pain at all. Most is a 1 or a 2, but some Tylenol takes care of that.

I told Wayne that I didn't want to leave the house today. I'm tired of running around, and it is tiring me out. I would like to have a good day of sitting in the house quilting.

I went to the open house at the Greek Orthodox church with Cindy and the kids. It was very interesting to see the church and hear about the church. They gave us some information to take home, which I will read. We had a nice lunch, learned how to make tyropitas (phyllo sheets with a filling of feta and ricotta, kind of like crab ragoon). Andrea and Benny got their faces painted. Wayne told me I couldn't go, that Catholics are forbidden from going to other churches. I told him I wasn't going to the services, just an open house. I asked Father Mal, and he agreed with me. Actually told me that I could go the services, I just couldn't partake in the Communion portion.

I woke up this morning missing my dad. He would be getting up early, even if he didn't have to. I sure miss Joe. I know he is always with me. He's my guardian angel. Just gonna have to settle for what I have.

I will be seeing Dr. Chaudry, a medical oncologist, tomorrow. Just to make sure that we are on the right track, and to see what long term medication would be the best. Tamoxifen is what Dr. Feinberg and Dr. Collins have talked about, and I am fine with that. There are other drugs out there, and just want to make sure that I am getting the absolutely appropriate treatment.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Life in the slow lane

I have started to take the family calendar with me to appointments, so that I can keep track of all the activities. Between my doctor appointments, Wayne's doctor appointments, and the Chrysler's appointments, we are finding ourselves coming and going.

Had my second post-op appt with Dr. Sommers. She thought things were looking very good. She cut out the stitch that had popped out below my right breast, at the intersection incision. She will see me again in 4 weeks. I asked her about mammograms vs. MRI for cancer surveillance, and she felt that mammograms should be okay. I'm thinking at first, maybe both would be a good idea.

I now own more bras that I can actually wear than I ever have. With changing them everyday due to the antibiotic ointment, I need to have a small wardrobe. And it still feels great to be able to walk into WalMart and pick one off the rack. With a choice.

Wayne will have his Cardiolite Persantine Stress Test tomorrow. Hopefully everything will be just fine.

The Bears are in the Super Bowl! Best game this year against the Saints. Lets hope they can play that good against the Colts. The Colts looked pretty good against the Patriots.

Illinois beat Indiana last night. The guys looked good, not great. But they were definitely hustling. I thought Coach Weber was gonna blow a gasket.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Free at last!

Pardons to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I know that decreasing my breast size is not to be compared with the centuries of servitude and prejudice that people of color have experienced. I just couldn't resist.

I saw Dr. Sommers Tuesday for my first post-op check. She seemed very pleased with the results. She left the steri-strips on, but said that I could work on them in the shower with soap and water. She put my new sports bra on me, and I can't tell you how good it felt. Well, I told Wayne at least ten times how good it felt! The bandages were such a pain. They kept slipping.

Went home and took a shower. THAT felt good, as I hadn't had one in 5 days. Got most of the steri-strips off, thought my left nipple was going to come off with the strips, but left those on for a while, eventually got them all off. I have some red blisters where I reacted to some tape. She told me to use triple antibiotic cream on this incisions, which I am. Also using hydrocortisone cream to the reactive areas.

Back to that bra. Paid over 60 bucks for the thing, felt good at first, but then it started rubbing on my incisions. Took it off, and found it had a very rough seam at the top of the band, bottom of the cups, and that was rubbing against my incisions. And unfortunately, I still had some Betadine on my breasts, and that got on the white fabric. Made it look terrible. It felt better to wear it with the lower 3 or 4 hooks undone. I am sure it will be great when I get healed up. It is soaking now. Went to Walmart and found 2 that I think will work. I'm wearing one now. It is made of soft knit, hooks in the front. Doesn't rub anywhere. Wearing it to bed, because the compression still feels better than just hanging free. Well, they aren't hanging. They are perky. Haven't had perky breasts in 40 years.

So, I know the question is bound to come up, do I miss them? To be gross, like a boil on a butt. The only thing that those large boobs did was camoflage my belly. Which as soon as I get healed up, I am going to work on. Mostly, that is going to take loosing 30 or so pounds. That I can do

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Getting back to normal

I overdid it yesterday. I didn't mean to, it just snuck up on me. I got up as normal. Had my coffee and checked my email. Shampooed my hair and got cleaned up. Got Wayne ready after his shower. The pup and I went for our daily walk, which we hadn't done since day of surgery. Fixed bacon, eggs, and toast, and cleaned up the kitchen. Then sewed two quilt blocks for the quilt I am making for Dr. Ho's new grandson. Felt a little blah, so that's why I stopped at 2. Ordered flowers for Nancy to thank her for coming down and helping me. Played Tetris. Then we started running errands. Here's what got me.

First, we went to Confidentially Yours, and got measured and bought a sports bra. Then went down to Christie on Windsor to drop off another Vicodin prescription, and to pick up prescriptions that were already called in and ready. While there, I went upstairs to IM and saw Dr. Sundaram, Jan, and Jen. Then stopped by and talked with Dr. Collins (did I mention she called me Sunday night to see how I was doing). Went down to the break room and talked with Jeannette, then went over to Convenient Care and talked with those folks. Then went to pharmacy and picked up all my prescriptions.

After this, we went to the CPAP Store. Wayne's newest CPAP was fine, but it was only set at 16, and his old one was set at 18, and that was why he felt like he was getting more air with the old one. Huey set us up with a new machine, set at 18, and is going to start billing Medicare. Huey is really going out of his way to take care of us. It is so great to have friends.

Then we went to Christie downtown for Wayne's appointment with Dr. Sehy. Dr. Sehy said it was either his heart or his lungs giving him the problem, as his kidney function tests were normal, actually looked slightly improved. His A1c was 8, not good, but we have other things to worry about. He went down for a chest x-ray. While he was getting his x-ray, I went and talked with Dr. Fernandez, the radiologist, to let her know what had happened since the breast MRI and that she was spot on correct on her suspicions. She said that since I have had the surgery, and the history of the cancer, that we should probably get yearly MRIs of the breast for screening, rather than relying on the mammograms. She even indicated that if insurance would balk, that we could get it done anyway. Thank you, God, for all my friends.

Well, the CXR was normal, but the EKG showed a right bundle branch block, which was a change from 2003. Dr. Sehy refered him to cardiology, and we could have had an appointment the next day, but I have my post-op appt in Springfield with Dr. Sommers. Wayne does have an appointment next Monday with Dr. Wingo. Probably not my first choice, but Cheryl Mangers felt that he would be a good choice for Wayne. And once he is an established cardiology patient, he could see Cheryl. Dr. Sehy also ordered PFTs, which will be done 2/2/2007. By this time, my ass is dragging. I think I got a little dehydrated, because I felt a little better after I got a drink from the water fountain. But it had been most of the day since I had had anything for pain, and then that was just two plain Tylenols.

Got home, and then I got cranky. Unloaded the car, and had to put away all the CPAP machines. I had decided while we were still at Christie downtown that we should order pizza to be delivered. Now, for anybody else, this should be a slamdunk. Nothing is a slamdunk with Wayne, because you have to make all these choices and decisions, and he doesn't want to make a decision. Even after I told him that I didn't care, just make a decision and stop asking me, he was still asking. After all the ado, we ended up getting the pizza from Papa John's, which is where I told him to get it from in the first place. And of course, Wayne has to pay a little bit extra to get more pizza than we need. I was still a little bit cranky. Funny thing with that is that Wayne's buddy Donny had surgery end of December, and Wayne was commenting to his wife on the phone that Donny was cranky with him and so Wayne knew he wasn't feeling well. I get cranky, and all I get is the oh so insightful "you're certainly cranky". I think the problem is that Wayne feels that I didn't need to have the surgery, so I just did this to myself. Get over it. Because you don't have cancer, they cut it out. You have to be healthy, because you have to take care of me. Yadda, yadda, yadda..............Wayne is Wayne. He has been totally self-centered since the day I met him. He isn't going to change.

I had a hard time getting to sleep last night. I took a Tylenol PM, but it didn't do its usually magic, but I had heartburn and gastitis, from the pizza, I guess. Woke up around 3, drenched in sweat. Worst hot flash I had ever had. But it may have been my fever breaking. Forgot to mention that I was feeling a little feverish when we got home, and my temperature was 99.8. This is Wayne, I was walking around with a thermometer in my mouth, and he never even noticed. I know, I shouldn't have been walking around with it in my mouth, but Wayne had needs to be taken care of (I really have a hard time understanding why he curses when he has a crap, as I am the one who has to wipe his ass. But if I were to curse, 1) it would be out of character for me, 2) I'm a nurse, isn't this what nurses do? 3) Wayne would say, if I could do it, don't you think I would? and make me feel bad (I know, Eleanor Roosevelt said no one can make you feel bad without your permission, can I undo all these many years of self-imposed guilt?)). Okay, that was a major digression. Got up, took another Vicodin, got back to sleep. Wayne woke me up about an hour later, and he was feeling bad. Checked his sugar, and it was 44. Can't believe it, as he ate 6 slices of pizza, and had some frozen fruit bars. But gave him 2 glasses of OJ, and 2 PopTarts, and some Mint Meltaways. By 5:30, he was in the 130s and sleeping. I am up writing in my journal.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

A new me!

Life didn't slow down. Until Thursday, January 11. That's when the new me came into being.

Just to recap what happened this week. I worked 8-2 Sunday in Convenient Care. Worked 8-5 in Internal Medicine on Monday. We had a dept meeting that evening. Tuesday I worked the first hour in Convenient Care for Dr. Browder, then I had my pre-op physical with Dr. Collins. Worked the rest of Tuesday in Internal Medicine. Wednesday, I had my consultation with Dr. Shultz and the team at the Christie Cancer Center. What I thought was going to be a 30 minute appt turned out to be almost 2 hours. But got lots of good information. Worked a few hours in Internal Medicine. Showed Dr. Ho how to do his worklist....I don't think he got it. Probably gonna get some phone calls before I come back to work. Got home about 3, after stopping at SunSinger for some wine. At home, set up my Memorial Stadium bench, and hung my newest wallhanging up, Hang in There, Chief! Then cousin Nancy came. We visited, then I went and got my hair done, then we went out to eat at El Toro.

Thursday was D-Day. After taking Scooter to the vet, we drove to Springfield. I was afraid Wayne was having a heart attack; he got very purple in the face after walking in from the parking lot. He needs to take his Lasix, even if he does have to go to the bathroom more often. We got him settled into a wheelchair. Then the surgicenter staff started working on me. Nancy worked surgicenters in Chicago, and she was very impressed with this one. Bill was my pre-op nurse. He made me feel very comfortable. I am impressed that they gave me a scrub pants to wear. I figured I would not have one for this surgery. We had a few laughs, and I met Lisa who took my intake information on the phone last week. The pre-op room did not look like a hospital room. It looked like a private waiting room. But this is where Bill started my saline lock, and Dr. Sommers came and marked my breasts. Then they walked me into the surgical suite. I have to admit, I got nervous. I thought about calling the whole thing off. But I started praying, and Wayne the anesthetist gave me the propofol, and next thing I know it's done.

I really don't think I tolerated the anesthesia very well. My head just felt awful. I was in some pain, but it was my head that I was having a hard time tolerating. They gave me 4mg of Fentanyl. I got dizzy and nauseated when I sat up. They gave me some Compazine, which of course just added to the medicine head. The ice chips tasted wonderful.

We were going to stay the night in Springfield, but the hotel turned out to not be very disability friendly. Wayne was going to have to walk way too far. We decided to just drive home. I slept in the back seat. Was very happy to see my bed. Took 2 T-3s, and zoned out. The pain pills are my friend. But the anesthesia is finally out of my system. Call me crazy, but I could smell it in my urine. Spent most of Friday either laying on the couch, or in bed. Did read Wednesday's news paper. Scooter was happy to see me and to be home, too.

I am so glad that Nancy is here. I know she is not doing a lot, but the few things that she is doing is so beneficial. Just knowing that someone is here in case I get into trouble is worth a million.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Life is a whirl

I have been so busy the last few days. The visit to SIU Springfield was very good. Dr. Nicole Sommers is the plastic surgeon (her father Dr. Zook, was the original plastic surgeon I saw) seems very enthusiastic about my case. She gave accolades to Dr. Collins for being progressive enough to send me down there. Totally appropriate to do the breast reduction after the lumpectomy. Better to do it before the radiation, as the radiation will cause changes in the breast tissue, and make the reduction on the left much more difficult.

So, I am scheduled for the surgery on January 11 at 1:00pm. My cousin Nancy is coming down from Chicago to help me. Nancy is a retired surgical nurse. Her last job was at one of the surgicenters in downtown Chicago. She has helped with these procedures, so she will be a great help. We will spend Thursday night after the surgery at the State House Inn in Springfield. Before we leave town, we will stop by and see Dr. Sommers for a quick check.

I spent a lot of time the other day on the phone talking with Springfield, getting my pre-op registration and stuff down. Getting detail questions answered. This and I saw a full schedule of patients, plus worked down in convenient care after work. Same thing yesterday, making arrangements for the hotel, and boarding for Scooter.

Wayne told me that I don't have cancer. This was in response to a remark that I made that I could always play the "I have cancer" card, looking for a little sympathy. My remark was made lighthearted. He was fairly serious. He said that as they had cut out the cancer, I don't have cancer. Now, this is not because he has this wonderful great attitude about my survival. It is because I can't be disabled, because I have to take care of him. His main concern about the surgery and if I had to stay overnight in the hospital was who was going to take care of him. He is worse than a small child. I am sure that he is thinking, why are you going to torture yourself with surgery, when you don't have to. Just get the radiation, and keep working. He is also concerned that I don't have the sick time to cover my time off. Gotta have that money coming in, even though we can live quite comfortably without my salary.

Speaking of money and Wayne's material ways, we were at Applebee's last night with the Cunningham's for our usual Friday night outing. Wayne pulled into the handicap spot, and I got out to see if they were busy. When I got out, I told him he was crooked in the spot, and he was hanging over the side, into the next space. He moved it while I was inside. Only problem was the rebar that they use to secure the parking block was sticking up, and Wayne got his lower front bumper caught on it, and when he backed up it tore a whole in the bumper. The way he describes it, it tore off half the bumper. He was his usual very upset, angry. Called the manager over, an incident report was completed, they took photos (with a cell phone camera). Wayne wanted to call the police and file a report. Keith talked him out of it. Wayne is convinced now that his car will never be the same, even if they do an exceptional job. So I am sure he will take the loss, and trade it in for something else. So a small hole in Wayne's car bumper is taking major precedence over my breast cancer, which I don't have. I just need to keep taking care of his every need, and stop being so self-centered and stop worrying about myself. Worry about the things that matter. Like a bumper on a car. This is my life.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Another day

I saw Dr. Feinberg yesterday for my post-op visit after the SNB. He took the steri-strips off. Everything is looking fine. The numbness that I am having is normal. I asked him what the course of action would be if I were to just stay in town. He said I would go for radiation, then tamoxifen. Okay. Sounds good. I just like to know what my options are.

So, today I go down to Springfield to see what the folks at the SIU Springfield Breast Cancer Center have to say. I need to pick up my mammograms from Christie Clinic and hand carry them with me. The folks down there told me that they have everything else, including my slides. Thank you, Dr. Collins.

Monday, January 1, 2007

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! Goodbye 2006, Hello 2007! Just as I can barely assimilate that I am living in the 21st century, I still am having a hard time assimilating that I have breast cancer. I guess it will strike me when I have more surgery, or the radiation therapy. Or maybe it is a good thing. I am a person. I am not breast cancer.

I am hoping to spend the day quietly, quilting, cooking, reading, learning about Electric Quilt 6 (EQ6). That is a way cool program that helps you design quilts on the computer. It is like electronic graph paper and crayons!