Saturday, January 13, 2007

A new me!

Life didn't slow down. Until Thursday, January 11. That's when the new me came into being.

Just to recap what happened this week. I worked 8-2 Sunday in Convenient Care. Worked 8-5 in Internal Medicine on Monday. We had a dept meeting that evening. Tuesday I worked the first hour in Convenient Care for Dr. Browder, then I had my pre-op physical with Dr. Collins. Worked the rest of Tuesday in Internal Medicine. Wednesday, I had my consultation with Dr. Shultz and the team at the Christie Cancer Center. What I thought was going to be a 30 minute appt turned out to be almost 2 hours. But got lots of good information. Worked a few hours in Internal Medicine. Showed Dr. Ho how to do his worklist....I don't think he got it. Probably gonna get some phone calls before I come back to work. Got home about 3, after stopping at SunSinger for some wine. At home, set up my Memorial Stadium bench, and hung my newest wallhanging up, Hang in There, Chief! Then cousin Nancy came. We visited, then I went and got my hair done, then we went out to eat at El Toro.

Thursday was D-Day. After taking Scooter to the vet, we drove to Springfield. I was afraid Wayne was having a heart attack; he got very purple in the face after walking in from the parking lot. He needs to take his Lasix, even if he does have to go to the bathroom more often. We got him settled into a wheelchair. Then the surgicenter staff started working on me. Nancy worked surgicenters in Chicago, and she was very impressed with this one. Bill was my pre-op nurse. He made me feel very comfortable. I am impressed that they gave me a scrub pants to wear. I figured I would not have one for this surgery. We had a few laughs, and I met Lisa who took my intake information on the phone last week. The pre-op room did not look like a hospital room. It looked like a private waiting room. But this is where Bill started my saline lock, and Dr. Sommers came and marked my breasts. Then they walked me into the surgical suite. I have to admit, I got nervous. I thought about calling the whole thing off. But I started praying, and Wayne the anesthetist gave me the propofol, and next thing I know it's done.

I really don't think I tolerated the anesthesia very well. My head just felt awful. I was in some pain, but it was my head that I was having a hard time tolerating. They gave me 4mg of Fentanyl. I got dizzy and nauseated when I sat up. They gave me some Compazine, which of course just added to the medicine head. The ice chips tasted wonderful.

We were going to stay the night in Springfield, but the hotel turned out to not be very disability friendly. Wayne was going to have to walk way too far. We decided to just drive home. I slept in the back seat. Was very happy to see my bed. Took 2 T-3s, and zoned out. The pain pills are my friend. But the anesthesia is finally out of my system. Call me crazy, but I could smell it in my urine. Spent most of Friday either laying on the couch, or in bed. Did read Wednesday's news paper. Scooter was happy to see me and to be home, too.

I am so glad that Nancy is here. I know she is not doing a lot, but the few things that she is doing is so beneficial. Just knowing that someone is here in case I get into trouble is worth a million.

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