Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Crazy weather

Last week it was 0 degrees, yesterday it was in the 60s. It is raining, and it was lightning last night.

Except for getting the furniture moved back in, the front bedroom is back to normal. I took the opportunity to clean out that closet, and am putting a lot of the stuff that was in there in the attic. I don't know what's gonna happen with that stuff up there. Can't part with. Probably send a bunch to auction someday.

Hopefully, I can get down to some sewing. Moda U is this evening. The Quilt Show has a block of the month going this year that I think I will joining. I belong to a 6500/6600 challenge group, with the current challenge using the decorative stitches. I am thinking about doing pink ribbons with the different stitches.

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